Thomas C. Redman (@thedatadoc1) is president of New Jersey-based consultancy Data Quality Solutions and coauthor of The Real Work of Data Science: Turning Data Into Information, Better Decisions, and Stronger Organizations (Wiley, 2019).
May 17, 2023Companies that reduce and simplify workload on the front lines find that they can position employees to deliver a better customer experience.
May 16, 2023Capitalizing on big opportunities and solving systemic problems will require organizations to come together to develop strategies as a group.
May 15, 2023Fear of failure weighs heavily on many leaders tasked with managing new workplace expectations. Seeing the challenge as a process is the way forward.
May 05, 2023Companies from Zoom to Slack lean on the product itself to find customers, convert them to paying, and drive rapid growth in revenues and services — without adding more staff.